Monday, 16 December 2013

How not to lose your rag

5 top tips on how to stay calm when someone is annoying you

 How to not lose your rag with annoying colleagues

1 – Look up, when you look up you access the visual cortex of the brain and so therefore taking yourself out of thinking and feeling – great for controlling how you feel
2 – take a deep breath, our breath has a huge impact on how we feel and when we tense up we tend to shorten our breath – breathe from the diaphragm this will quickly change how you feel
3 – see it from their point of view, from the studies of NLP and how the mind works we all have our own indvidual way of dealing with things, often what causes people to lose their rag or find people annoying is because they are not the same as us.....realise that people are different and maybe its just their way of being
4 – talk to them...human beings are fantastic “mind reading machines”.....if someone's doing something that annoys you TELL its highly likely that they are unaware of this and 9  times out of 10 the person will be totally unaware of what they were doing and so happily change their behaviours....if we don’t communicate this to them, they are not to know and will potentially keep doing the same thing that annoys you
5 – take 5 – get up and change your physiology, as well as breath there is a huge link in with how you hold your body and how you feel, by standing up and changing how you are holding yourself you will be able to quickly change how you feel

All content copyright to Claire Hegarty

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