Friday, 6 December 2013

Weight Loss Tips Made Easy

Are you confused about the best way to lose weight?

I am sure that there will be many people reading this where the answer is "yes" because there are so many different diet plans out there, which one is the best and which one should I follow?

Here are some easy tips for you to start to find out what the best eating plan is for you, Im not a fan of the word diet as I simply don't believe that diets on their own work. If you want to successfully lose weight and keep the weight off a combination of healthy eating, exercise and techniques that help you with your relationship with food, motivation and will power such as NLP and Hypnotherapy is what is required

And as a start, follow these very simple tips to help you to know the changes you can make within your eating habits in a way that is healthy and suits your body - 

  • How much water do you drink? If you are not drinking any water or drinking very little then this could be a major factor in why you are not losing weight
  • How much tea, coffee, energy drinks or fizzy diet drinks are you drinking each day? Many people are filling their system with caffeine, sugars and chemicals from drinking too many of these, cut them back and you will start to notice a difference
  • Do you eat a lot of fruit? While fruit is healthy, fruits also contain high levels of sugars, you are better to get your vitamins and minerals from vegetables as they- especially green vegetables like broccoli, cabbage etc are very high in vitamins and minerals and low in sugars
  • How many carbs do you eat each day? If you wanting to lose weight and are eating over 20 g's a day then you are eating too many, you can download free carb counters from the internet to calculate this
  • Make sure you eat breakfast, many people are skipping meals and going too long without eating and while people tend to think the less you eat the more weight you lose, skipping meals has the opposite effect by slowing down the Metabolic System meaning that the body stores onto fat rather than lose fat
  • The body needs a certain amount of natural fats to burn fat, diet foods take the fat out and replace often with chemicals in an attempt to mimic the natural flavours. Diet foods don't work, go onto the full fat version, its more natural and better for the body and therefore giving the body the levels of natural fats required to burn fat. Making sure you are eating in moderation and sensible amounts - for example full fat mayonnaise is better for you than a diet version and when eaten in sensible amounts
To find out more visit my website

All content is copyright  of Claire Hegarty

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